As fossil fuels continue to rule, green energy production is at a standstill, contributing to climate change.
According to a new scientific study, the world is consuming more fossil fuels than ever before while the transition to renewable energy has stalled considerably.
According to the Renewables 2022 Global Status Report, the percentage of wind and solar in the global energy mix has increased very modestly over the past decade. ‘
Last year’s explosion in renewable energy didn’t keep up with the increase in demand for electricity.
Renewables provided less than 4% of the energy used in transportation.
According to the authors, the current situation in Ukraine has worsened this trend.
Energy policy experts from throughout the globe have come together to form REN21.
More than 600 specialists were consulted for their 17th annual status report to get an accurate picture of the state of renewable energy.
The renewable energy revolution has essentially halted, according to the study. Coal, oil, and gas are still the primary energy sources used in the United States.
“Renewable energy’s share has increased from 10.6% to 11.7% during the last decade, but fossil fuels, including all forms of coal and gas, have decreased from 80.1% to 79.6%. For this reason, it’s stagnating,” says Rana Adib, director of REN21.
As a result, we are using more fossil fuels as energy demand rises.
After Covid-19 in 2021, there was a significant increase in global energy usage, primarily satisfied by fossil fuels.
Global carbon emissions increased by roughly 2 billion tonnes due to this.
Oil, gas, and coal prices have skyrocketed since then, as supply has been unable to keep up with demand.
As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, nations are scrambling to discover new sources of energy.
New taxes on the earnings of oil and gas companies have been levied in certain countries, notably the United Kingdom.
As a result, several countries have instituted new fossil fuel subsidies.
“We spend $11 million a minute subsidizing fossil fuels worldwide.” Seven percent of global GDP in 2020,” Rana Adib remarked.
Even while renewable energy is a cost-effective substitute for fossil fuels, it’s not playing by the rules, which leads to an unstable economy.
In 2021, renewable energy was expected to account for 10% of global electricity output, although issues like transportation remain.
More than three-quarters of all final energy use is accounted for by vehicles, including cars, trucks and lorries, ships, and planes.
According to Rana Adib, fast-moving markets and attitudes can only be changed by policies.
A prohibition on internal combustion engines means we must comply with legislative requirements to shift away from this. As a result, we are witnessing an increase in electric mobility that is growing at an exponential rate.
Moreover, the political commitments made at COP26, the previous year’s major international climate summit, have not been fulfilled.
One hundred thirty-five countries with net-zero emissions targets for 2050 in the lead-up to Glasgow, but only 84 countries have economy-wide renewable energy goals.
Then, six months ago, the globe was a very different place.
Governments are increasingly using every instrument at their disposal to alleviate the load on their residents because of rising energy costs.
Greener forms of energy could see a significant increase in spending because they are not only less expensive than fossil fuels but also more appealing in other ways.
Secretary of State for Energy Teresa Ribera called the “energy transition” a lifeline for Spain.
Innovative business models and organizational forms will be enabled, and value chains will be transformed. Economic power will be redistributed, and the government will be reshaped in new, more people-centered ways.”
Renewables are the only energy sources that provide every country in the world a possibility for increased energy independence and security with the correct investments in technology.