Do solar panels wear out

Do Solar Panels Wear Out?

Solar panels are a popular choice for home and business owners who want to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and save money on their energy bills.

Solar energy is a renewable resource, making it an attractive option for many people.

But do solar panels wear out over time? And if so, how long do they last? And what happens when they do need to be replaced?

In this blog post, we’ll look at the lifespan of solar panels and what you can expect from them.

Thanks for reading!

Modern solar panels on office building

Do Solar Panels wear out over time?

Solar panels are one of the essential components of a solar power system, converting sunlight into electricity. But like all electronic devices, solar panels eventually wear out.

The main reason for this is degradation, which is the loss of power output due to heat, UV radiation, and moisture.

Degradation can vary significantly from one solar panel to another, and it can also be affected by the environment in which the panel is installed.

For example, panels exposed to high temperatures or severe weather conditions will degrade more quickly than those protected from the elements.

Additionally, some solar panels are susceptible to a phenomenon known as potential induced degradation (PID), which can occur when stray voltages build upon the panel’s surface and cause it to break down.

While solar panels will eventually wear out, the good news is that they typically have a lifetime of 25 years or more.

Modern solar panels can endure an extended period if the producer adheres to the IEC 61215 standard, the obligatory industry certification requirement.

With proper maintenance and care, you can ensure that your solar panels produce energy for many years to come.

Installing solar panels

Why Do Solar Panels Degrade?

Solar panels are an essential part of solar power systems, and like all solar system components, they degrade over time.

Solar panels can lose up to 20% of their original efficiency after 25 years. While this may seem like a lot, it’s pretty standard for solar panels.

There are several reasons why solar panels degrade. The most common cause is wear and tear.

Solar panels are exposed to the elements 24/7, and this exposure takes its toll over time. Wind, rain, snow, and ice can damage solar panels, tree branches, and other debris.

Another reason solar panels degrade is because of solar system performance. As solar systems age, they often become less efficient.

This is due to several factors, including changes in the weather, solar panel orientation, and solar panel cleanliness.

Finally, solar panels degrade because of their lifespan. Solar panels have a limited lifespan, and after a certain number of years, they simply stop working.

The exact lifespan of a solar panel depends on several factors, including the quality of the solar panel, the type of solar panel, and the environment in which the solar panel is used.

While solar panels degrade over time, there are several things you can do to extend their lifespan.

Regular maintenance and cleaning can help solar panels last longer, as can proper installation and use.

By taking good care of your solar panels, you can extend their lifespan and ensure that they continue to produce energy for years to come.

Solar installer using a cordless drill

Solar Panel Lifespan

Do solar panels wear out? It’s a common question with a simple answer: Yes!

Solar panels have a limited lifespan.

Some solar panels placed at the beginning of the present boom are only a few years away from retiring because of the industry-standard lifespan of 25 to 30 years.

While solar panel degradation is inevitable, homeowners can do a few things to ensure their system continues to perform at its best for as long as possible.

First, it’s essential to keep the panels clean. Dust, dirt, and other debris can build up on the surface of the panels and block sunlight from reaching the photovoltaic cells.

This can lead to a significant decrease in power output. Second, it’s essential to check the panels regularly for signs of damage and have any repairs made swiftly.

Cracks, holes, and other damaged areas can let moisture in, shortening the panel’s lifespan.

Finally, it’s crucial to have the panels serviced by a qualified technician every few years to ensure that all connections are secure and that the system is operating at peak efficiency.

By taking these simple steps, homeowners can help maximize the lifespan of their solar panels.

Solar Panel Power Warranties


The SunPower X-Series, the more economical E-Series, and the A-Series, a solar panel with an integrated microinverter, are made by the US-based business SunPower.

Warranty: 25 years on the product.

A 25-year power warranty ensures maximum degradation of 0.25 percent each year and a guaranteed output of 92% after that time.

Compensation for workers: There is no monetary restriction on the labor covered by the product warranty.

Getting a claim: You can get warranty servicing from your installer or SunPower.

SunPower’s warranty and the claims process are the most straightforward for labor coverage: contact a SunPower-authorized installation for a replacement.

Even after 25 years, SunPower panels are still guaranteed to produce 92 percent of their original power output, making them among the finest warranties in the industry.

High Efficiency Sunpower Solar Panel for Home System Electricity


Some of their solar panels are the NeON 2 and LG NeON R series and the two-sided NeON 2 Bifacial series.

Warranty: 25 years on the product.

A 25-year power supply warranty. Degradation of no more than 0.30-0.35 percent each year, with a 25-year output guarantee of 89.60-90.8 percent, depending on the product.

LG will cover labor costs up to $450 per claim for installation and removal.

Return authorization must be obtained from the LG customer service department by either the customer or the installer.

Sending the defective panel back to LG will be pre-paid, and LG will issue you a new, pre-paid shipping label.

Low deterioration limits are included in LG’s warranty. However, even though their guarantee covers labor fees, the maximum amount is $450.

LG indeed has an installer network; however, unlike Panasonic and SunPower, it is not a warranty requirement to claim through one of these installers.


A California-based company, Solaria, is known for its PowerXT series of all-black solar panels with microinverters.

Warranty: 25 years on the product

A 25-year power supply warranty. There will be no more than 0.5 percent annual degradation, and the company assures 86 percent output after 25 years.

De-installation and re-installation costs: Solaria will cover up to $500 in labor costs, with a maximum of $300 for a first visit and $200 for a second visit.

Solaria must be contacted by either you or your installer to get a return authorization number.

Solaria offers a comprehensive warranty that covers both parts and labor.

There is a cap on the labor coverage: $300 for the first visit by an installer and $200 for a second appointment to finish the re-installation of the new panel.

Solar panel manufacturers


Silfab is a solar panel manufacturer based in Canada and the United States. Silfab is based in Toronto, Ontario, and Bellingham, Washington. SIL monocrystalline panels make up the bulk of their current product line.

Warranty: 25 years on the product

It has a 30-year power warranty. 0.5 percent per year for monocrystalline and 0.7 percent per year for polycrystalline panels are the maximum annual degradations.

After 30 years, mono panels should produce 82.6% of their guaranteed output, while poly panels should produce 79.5%.

Coverage for workers’ compensation is not included.

Return authorization must be obtained from Silfab by the original installer.

Silfab’s 25-year product guarantee does not cover labor, in contrast to the other companies on this list. Silfab, on the other hand, is the only company to offer a 30-year power warranty.

Silfab panels, on the other hand, have a lower 0.5 percent degradation limit than Panasonic or SunPower, although having a more extended guarantee.


Panasonic produces the HIT line of heterojunction solar panels.

Only if you register the product with Panasonic within 60 days will you get a 25-year warranty; otherwise, you’ll get a 12-year warranty.

A 25-year power supply warranty. Over 25 years, You will lose a maximum of 0.25 percent of output.

Compensation for workers: This benefit is included when the panel is installed by a Panasonic-authorized installer and registered within 60 days.

Reclamation procedure: Contact the original installer, a Panasonic-authorized installer, or Panasonic USA.

Panasonic offers a robust labor guarantee, but a Panasonic-certified installation must install the equipment to qualify for the full warranty. They will cut product warranties to just 12 years in this case.

Quality engineer examining high quality solar panels in factory

Can Solar Panels Be Recycled?

Solar panels are composed of solar cells, which are made of silicon. Solar cell degradation is when solar cells deteriorate due to environmental exposure.

The lifespan of solar panels is typically 20-25 years. However, solar panel degradation can reduce the lifespan of solar panels.

Solar cell degradation can be caused by environmental factors like temperature and humidity and mechanical factors like vibration and wind.

Solar cell degradation can also be caused by potential induced degradation (PID), a phenomenon that can occur when solar panels are exposed to high voltages.

PID can cause solar cells to become less efficient and can eventually lead to solar cell failure. Solar panel recycling is a process by which solar panels are recycled and reused.

Solar panel recycling is important because it helps reduce the amount of waste produced when solar panels are disposed of in landfills.

Solar panel recycling also helps conserve resources and reduce the carbon footprint of solar panel production.

Solar panel recycling is a growing industry, and many companies specialize in solar panel recycling.

Solar panel recycle

How Long Do Solar Panels Take To Pay For Themselves?

The payback time for a solar panel in the United States is between 9 and 12 years, depending on where you live.

How Long Do Solar Panels Last On A House?

A solar power system has a 25-year life expectancy on average. During this time, producers can guarantee that their panels perform as efficiently as possible.

After this period, if you discover that your electricity bill is going back up, it can be because your solar energy system is not performing efficiently.

You may require new solar panels if this happens.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

When a solar panel is exposed to direct sunlight, energy is harvested from the sun. The flow of electricity is caused by the movement of electrical charges in response to an internal electric field in the cell.

Energy production with photovoltaic cells and wind turbines


Solar panels are a significant investment that can save you money in the long run.

Although they may seem expensive, solar panels can pay for themselves with energy savings.

Solar panels also have around 25 years, making them a wise investment for homeowners.

Knowing how to take care of your solar panels to get the most out of them and last as long as possible is essential.

By following the tips above, you can ensure that your solar panels will keep producing energy for years.

If you’re on the fence about installing solar panels in your home, consider all their benefits and how they can save you money in the long run.


What is the warranty on solar panels?

A 25-year limited power warranty is typical for solar panels. Throughout their lifetime, solar panels are covered by this warranty. A 90 percent power output is typically guaranteed for the first ten years and 80 percent for the remaining 25 years under normal warranty conditions.

Which solar panels have a 25-year warranty?

Most solar panels come with a 20- to 30-year warranty.

Designed in America and built to last, SunPower panels come with a 25-year Complete Confidence Panel Warranty that covers all repair or replacement costs, including labor and shipping, without exception.

Even though just one out of every 20,000 of their panels fail, you’ll probably never need it.

Do Home warranties cover solar panels?

There is no need for a separate solar panel insurance plan since many house owners’ insurance policies already provide coverage for solar panel systems.

What does a solar warranty cover?

As opposed to parts functioning below expectations or the entire system, the guarantee on PV panels covers the cost of repairing or replacing any defective or failed components due to poor construction. In addition, the best panels come with a 25-year warranty, longer than the standard 5- to 12-year warranty.

Do solar panels void your roof warranty?

Your roof warranty is void on the roof area where you add solar. But, don’t worry; your installer’s craftsmanship warranty will still protect you. Workmanship warranties for roof installers are typically ten years long and apply to only the roof portions they performed their services.

How do solar panels degrade over time?

Wear and tear from UV rays, and unfavorable weather conditions are the primary cause of the degradation of solar panels. An energy panel’s performance warranty covers the panel’s degradation rate.

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