Editorial Policies and Standards

Editorial Policies And Standards of Mision NewEnergy Limited

  • Ethics Policy: At Mision NewEnergy Limited, our policies are designed to uphold the highest standards of journalism in the dynamic world of energy reporting. We continuously adapt these guidelines based on feedback and the evolving nature of the energy sector.
  • Competing Interests: We prioritize transparency and integrity in our reporting. Key guidelines include:
    • Our journalists bear their expenses and are prohibited from accepting gifts or freebies from sources.
    • We maintain a strict stance against any form of preferential treatment.
    • Occasional invitations, such as dinners, can be accepted if they don’t have ulterior motives.
    • Journalists are not allowed entry to paid events unless it’s for review purposes.
    • We do not accept funds from governments, energy companies, or any entity that might have a stake in our reporting.
    • Our team is advised to avoid affiliations that might question their impartiality.
    • Mission NewEnergy Limited remains neutral and avoids endorsing causes that might influence our unbiased reporting.
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